After 35 sessions, 3 times a week, I have felt a great sense of strength everywhere. It amazes me how many muscles Pilates touches, especially the ones my other sports don't. It also give you extra flexibility that I am not used to with my normal sports. I feel I am sleeping less, because I sleep so well, and I definitely have a lot more energy. I am hooked and would recommend it to any serious athlete. Anyone who is committed to being fit, if you are consistent with Pilates, you will be addicted.
KATIE NAISH 41 Kiteboarder/Self-employed
KATIE NAISH 41 Kiteboarder/Self-employed
Thank you , Pilates on Maui , for teaching me how to gain strength in my core to support my back. When I came to you twelve weeks ago, I had just receive an MRI on my lower back which indicated that my L4, L5 and S1 were degenerated with a moderate bulge. I could not surf without major pain and everyday was a struggle. With in 3 weeks of private lessons there was a noticeable difference, and now any pain occurs it is easily corrected by doing mat work . Thank you Mabelle for being a great coach. Mahalo, John Gangini
JOHN GANGINI Surfer and Champion Paddler
JOHN GANGINI Surfer and Champion Paddler